Mary Haines is an Athens, Ohio native and faculty member in the Marketing Department at Ohio University. She teaches Introduction to Marketing Management in the Integrated Business Cluster, Digital Marketing, and Consumer Behavior in the College of Business. She also teaches as an Adjunct instructor, teaching Principles of Marketing, in the Walker College of Business at Appalachian State University.
Prior to her work in higher education, Mary worked as a Controller for a small company in the Vending Industry. She also worked in the insurance industry working with group health insurance, and she worked in the banking industry as a Commercial Loan Operations Specialist and an office manager.
Mary’s strong work ethic and passion for teaching drives her to inspire students and those around her to work at their highest potential to reach their goals.
Master of Business Administration, 2008
College of Business, Ohio University
Bachelor of Arts, Management and Marketing, 2005
Marietta College
Speak as Well as you Think Certified
HubSpot Certifications: Social Media Marketing, Inbound, and Inbound Marketing
AMA/DMI Digital Marketing Certified
Refereed Publications & Presentations
Refereed Publications (2)
Ware, L.J., Collins, D., Raffle, H., Holt, N.A., Wandersman, A., Haines, M.Y. (2017). Assessing Community Capacity and Readiness to Engage in the Strategic Prevention Framework (SPF) Among Ohio’s Rural and Appalachian Counties. Journal of Community Practice. – This is sponsored research that is highly disseminated.
Ware, L. J., Collins, D., Raffle, H., Holt, N. A., & Haines, M. Y. (2016). Community capacity and readiness to engage in the Strategic Prevention Framework (SPF) among Ohio's rural and Applachian counties. Athens, OH: Voinovich School of Leadership and Public Affairs at Ohio University.
Haines, M., Meek, S., Peuschel, A., Roberts, J., & Schacht, K. (2020, April 29). Tools and techniques to maximize teaching connections [Session III]. 2020 Spotlight on Learning Conference, Athens, OH, United States. (Conference cancelled)
“Televised CrossFit Competitions Have the Potential to (Tire)Flip Masculine Hegemony on Its Head.” Accepted for presentation to the Sports Interest Group at Association for Education in Journalism and Mass Communication National Convention, San Francisco, August 2015.

Title: Special Faculty
Department: Department of Marketing & Supply Chain Management
Email address: Email me
Phone: (704) 707-6169