Faculty & Staff

Name Contact

James E. Stoddard, PhD

Professor and Chair
L.M. Baker Jr. Partners in Excellence Professor
(828) 262-6191
4102 Peacock Hall

Fayez Ahmad, PhD

Assistant Professor
(828) 262-6194
4111 Peacock Hall

Pia A. Albinsson, PhD

(828) 262-6197
4114 Peacock Hall

Brittany Beck, D.B.A

Assistant Professor
(828) 262-8550
4110 Peacock Hall

Ilgım D. Benoit, PhD

Associate Professor
(828) 262-6193
4108 Peacock Hall

Laura L. Brewer, D.B.A

Assistant Professor
(828) 262-6665
4053 Peacock Hall

Charlie Ciaramita

Special Faculty
(828) 262-2249
4058 Peacock Hall

Christy M. Cook

Senior Special Faculty
(828) 262-2112
4107 Peacock Hall

Ken Corley, PhD

Associate Professor
(828) 262-6212
4057 Peacock Hall

Neel Das, PhD

Director of the MBA Program
(828) 262-2922
3140 A Lee Barnes
Graduate Programs Suite / Peacock Hall

Dinesh Davè, PhD

Professor & Director, Supply Chain Management
(828) 262-6239
4054 Peacock Hall

Jeffrey R. Foreman, PhD

Associate Professor
(828) 262-2099
4097 Peacock Hall

James J. Fyles

Director of the Professional Selling Program
Special Faculty | Executive in Residence
(828) 262-2092
4113 Peacock Hall

Barrett Garner

Adjunct Instructor

Miranda Gregg

Administrative Assistant
(828) 262-2145
4101 Peacock Hall

Bonnie S. Guy, PhD

(828) 262-7828
4104 Peacock Hall

Mary Haines

Special Faculty
(704) 707-6169

Binay Kumar, PhD

Assistant Professor
(828) 262-7496
4109 Peacock Hall

Stephanie J. Lawson, PhD

Associate Professor
(828) 262-6195
4098 Peacock Hall

Doug Marrelli

Special Faculty | Practitioner in Residence
Hickory Campus

Lubna Nafees, PhD

Director of the Digital Marketing Program
Guffy Professor
(828) 262-7081
4101A Peacock Hall

William M. Northington, PhD

Associate Professor
(828) 262-2639
4106 Peacock Hall

Mike Ogle, Ph.D.

Special Faculty
(828) 262-2640
1116A Peacock Hall

Trish Oxford

Special Faculty
(828) 262-6099
2064A Peacock Hall

Daman Palmer

Special Faculty
4052 Peacock Hall

G. David Shows, D.B.A.

Director of the WCOB Professional Education Program
Associate Professor
(828) 262-2135
4112 Peacock Hall

Harvey J. Simon

Adjunct Instructor
(828) 262-2926
1112A Peacock Hall